金阳书院(中文全称:贵州省金阳书院文化传播有限公司;英文简称:Chinyang Academy,中华传统阴阳历癸巳年庚申月辛未日贵州省贵阳市国家高新技术产业开发区区级工商行政管理局注册,壬寅年庚戌月戊午日贵州省贵阳市观山湖区市级市场监督管理局核准。根植于圣人王阳明隔水樵渔亦几家,缘冈石路入溪斜。松林晚映千峰雨,枫叶秋连万树霞。渐觉形骸逃物外,未妨游乐在天涯。频来不用劳僧榻,已僭汀鸥一席沙翰墨描摹的贵山耸秀之间,金阳书院旗下设有家庭教育诊断与规划中心、中华国学交流与传播中心、艺术蜡染营销与创意中心,并以家庭教育诊断与规划艺术蜡染营销与创意为基,中华国学交流与传播为楯,修人文以润繁华。

Chinyang AcademyChinese full name贵州省金阳书院文化传播有限公司;English short formChinyang Academywas registered by the district administration for industry and commerce in the High-Tech Industrial Development Area, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province on September 2nd, 2013, and approved by the municipal administration for market regulation in the Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province on November 1st, 2022. Rooted in the wonderful mountains and beautiful waters whose spectacular scenery Sage Wang Yangming inked as “towards autumn sunset the pine forests throw their bluish shadows over thousands of drizzly hills, in the meanwhile the maple woods stretch their reddish leaves into millions of crimsoned trees”, Chinyang Academy encompasses Family Education Diagnosis and Planning CenterFEC, Chinese Classics Communication and Transmission CenterCCC, Artcraft Batik Marketing and Innovation CenterABC. Based on “Family Education diagnosis and planning” as well as “Artcraft Batik marketing and innovation”, topped with “Chinese Classics communication and transmission”, Chinyang Academy is apt to honor the social conscientiousness and to aspire the sustainable development resulting in cultivating humanities to enrich prosperity.

(翻译:刘捷希      校译:何 必)